Squanto and the Miracle of Thanksgiving was written by Eric Metaxas. This hardback picture book follows the true story of a Native American whose life somewhat paralleled that of the biblical Joseph. Squanto was kidnapped at the age of twelve to be sold into slavery. Some Spanish monks paid his purchase price then spent years teaching him their language and all that they could about God and their faith. In an attempt to get Squanto back to his family and the New World, the monks sent him to England. There he learned English and worked for a nice family until a trustworthy ship was found that would return him to his home.
Ten years after his kidnapping, Squanto finally returned home to find his family gone. The entire village had died due to illness. He decided to live with a nearby tribe, but was still very lonely. One day he learned new people were living in his old village. Squanto was very happy to see families living were he grew up with his family. These were English people, just like the ones who had been so kind to Squanto in London. They were very surprised when Squanto approached them speaking their language! Soon Squanto learned of the struggles these Pilgrims had suffered since arriving in America. He shared his story with them as well. Their governor, William Bradford, made the connection to Joseph of the Bible. "Like you, Joseph was taken from his home and sold as a slave. But God had a plan for him. Through Joseph, God was able to save many people from starving. What man had intended for evil, God intended for good ... perhaps God has sent you to be our Joseph." Throughout the next year, Squanto taught the Pilgrims the ways of the land, where to find food and what crops would grow there. The following autumn, the Pilgrims set a time to thank God for His merciful blessings and invited Squanto and other braves to join them. This was the first Thanksgiving.
The illustrations by Shannon Stirnweis feature detailed, full color, full page paintings. Many are quite life-like.
What I Like: Everything. It introduces a story very few know. It clearly shows God's providence, the way He orchestrates events perfectly. Even though we may not understand what He is doing, He always has a plan. This book offers accurate history with a practical application.
What I Dislike: Nothing.
Overall Rating: Excellent.
Age Appeal: 5-10
Publisher Info: Thomas Nelson, 1999; 0849958644; Hardback; $9.99
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Great book! I get to read them when Tanya is done. :)
I had forgotten this story. But now when we read other Thanksgiving books and they mention Squanto, it leads to a great discussion on God's plan for our lives.
Tanya, just wanted to let you know I bought this book this year for my kids. We LOVE it! And now my preschooler plays pilgrims and Squanto, which delights me.
Oh, good! I'm glad you're pleased. :)
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