What I Like: In Ephesians 6:10-18, each piece of armor is described with scripture and an easy to understand explanation of the scripture. The author, Agnes de Bezenac - who is also the illustrator, used a Roman soldier's armor as a visual to help a child understand the meaning of the Armor of God. Each piece of armor is highlighted on a separate page.
The illustrations in the book are awesome. I really love them. They are all so full of detail and add an element to the story beyond just seeing a picture. My eight year old son read this with me and the illustrations invoked conversations about how he thought the images related to what he read.
What I Dislike: The title of the book is a little unimaginative and I would have much preferred Armor of God as opposed to Ephesians 6. Although I know the book is based on Ephesians 6, the scripture on each page didn't include the book name, chapter or verse. I found it a little bothersome because I didn't know which verse I was reading. I also prefer that it be included to help children memorize it.
Overall Rating: Very Good!
Age Appeal: 7 and under, but my 8 year old liked it.
Publisher Info: iCharacter, 2014; ISBN: 978-1623870119; Paperback, 32 pgs., $8.45
Buy it Now at Amazon.com for $8.45
Also available is the Ephesians 6 Activity & Coloring Book
Additional Info: Author Page www.iCharacter.org
CCBR - Ephesians (Armor of God) Paperback & Activity Book

I have a niece and nephew that would love this book.
I love books that cater for younger ones to have a greater understanding and love for God. This seems to be a great book.
And the illustrator is...? Not mentioned but equally as important in creating a picture book.
Agnes de Bezenac is both the author & illustrator.
Agnes de Bezenac is both the author & illustrator.
My daughter would love this! I love anything that draws young children to the Lord.
Would love this is a prize for my Bible study class competition
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