Monday, February 12, 2007

I Can Pray with Jesus: The Lord's Prayer for Children

I Can Pray With Jesus: The Lord’s Prayer for Children, written by Debbie Trafton O’Neal and illustrated by Taia Morley, is a wonderful way to introduce your youngsters to the joys of prayer and the meaning of The Lord’s Prayer. As the author says in the beginning of the book, “There is nothing more important than teaching our children that God loves us and is always ready to hear our prayers.” The book, as expected, includes a copy of The Lord’s Prayer, but it’s much more than that. The Lord’s Prayer is broken down line-by-line and explained in simple terms that children can understand. For instance, the second line of the prayer, “hallowed be your name,” is explained as:
"Your name is special, God.
Whenever I hear it,
I remember how wonderful you are
and how much you love me."

The book also includes a section called “The Lord’s Prayer with Selected Signs,” that shows simple sign language children can do as they recite the Prayer. There are also two short prayers for children, both with sign language instructions. Two songs, with words and music, and a short poem, can be found in the back of the book.

The illustrations, by Taia Morley, that are included with the Lord’s Prayer text, are bright and colorful. The sign language instructions are illustrated with black and white sketches, but these pages are brightened up with orange butterflies.

What I like: I liked the whole book. It was much more than I expected, with the added sign language illustrations, songs and poem.The story was written well and the illustrations helped enhance the story line.

What I dislike: Nothing.

Overall Rating: Excellent.

Age Appeal: 3 – 6.

Publishing Info: Augsburg Fortress Publishers, 1997; ISBN 080663328X; Paperback $6.99.

Buy now at Amazon $6.99.

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