The structure of this pint-sized Bible is kid-friendly. Though not a board book, it has a padded hardcover and thicker-than-normal pages that makes it quite durable. Inside it holds 14 Old Testament and 22 New Testament stories. The Old Testament stories include many familiar ones, such as the Creation story, Adam and Eve, and Noah’s Ark. The New Testament stories likewise include familiar tales, including the birth of Jesus and miracles and parables from Jesus’ ministry. A Scripture reference follows at the end each narrative.
Pages contain only a few lines of text and are accompanied by Jo Parry’s vivid, colorful, and affable illustrations. The average story runs about 4 pages in length…just long enough to hold an active toddler’s attention. Considering how few words are used per page to convey each story, you can imagine how well they had to be chosen by author Juliet David. Yet using simple but concise language, David hits all the main story points.
What I Like: I like the look, feel, and size of this Bible. Though geared for toddlers, it’s such a lovely book that I imagine preschoolers would enjoy it too. The illustrations have a “graphic art” look to them, which gives them a more modern appearance. Overall, this book would serve as a great introduction to popular Bible stories; however, because of the brevity of each story, parents may want to elaborate on details not included in this book.
What I Dislike: In some of the illustrations, the adult characters look a little young, almost childlike.
Overall Rating: Excellent
Age Appeal: Toddlers
Publisher Info: Candle Books, 2012; ISBN:978-1859859391; Hardcover, 160 pgs., $11.99
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