While each chapter focuses on a different element of style -- clothes, hair, accessories, skin care, etc. -- every chapter maintains a consistent format.
- A Bible verse introduces a short fictional story (2-4 pages).
- "What Do You Think?" encourages readers to interact with the stories by answering specific questions in the provided space.
- Sidebars offer style tips, encouraging Bible verses and "Did You Know?" facts.
- "Ask Kelsey" features Q&A.
- "What Does the Bible Say" quotes several relevant Scripture passages for meditation.
- "Letters to God" offers a written prayer from one of the story's characters and a prompt for readers to write their own.
What I Like: This book is great. It's thorough and written at an age-appropriate level. Both the content and design -- which is peppered with simple illustrations by Anita DuFalla -- appeal to the target audience. The activities are highly varied and creative. I was quite impressed. And the Scriptural emphasis pervades every chapter. I love that!
What I Dislike: The coin purse that accompanied the book broke within minutes of reaching my seven-and-a-half-year-old's hands. It's a novelty and a cute sales ploy, but the poor quality definitely disappointed me and my daughter.
As for the book itself, there's not much to dislike! A few of the verses don't quite match the stories and seem a bit out of context, but overall I think this is a great resource, albeit far from timeless. Styles change so very quickly, I wonder if and when updated editions will be planned.
Overall Rating: Very Good.
Age Appeal: 8-12
Publisher Info: Legacy Press, 2010; ISBN: 1584110902; Paperback; 192 pages; $9.99
Buy it Now at Christianbook.com for $8.19!
Hi Tanya -
Rachel from Legacy Press here. I was so sorry to hear about the broken coin purse!
We would like to replace it. Can you email me at info@rainbowpublishers.com or call our 800 # 800-323-7337 and I will get that out to you daughter?
We would hate for her to be disappointed.
Rachel, that is so very sweet! I'll email you right away. I'm sure Ellie would LOVE that. ;) THANK YOU!
Hi Tanya - the new purse is on the way. We hope Ellie loves it and a small extra surprise as well (shhh!)
Legacy Press
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