When they get to the water, they find Gary Gator sitting on the bank looking very sad. He can’t swim by himself because it’s not safe. So, Barnabas and Russell ask Gary to join him. The three swim together happily for a while before Peter and Paul ask if they can join in the fun, too. When they do, Barnabas prays, “Dear God, thank you for summer days and good friends.”
The cartoon-like illustrations, done in light, muted colors, are very kid-friendly.
This Bible verse is given as a reference for the story: “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” [Psalm 118:24]
What I Like: The easy-to-read style has short sentences and lots of repetition, making it ideal for new readers.
What I Dislike: Nothing.
Overall Rating: Excellent.
Age Appeal: 4-8.
Publisher Info: Zonderkidz, 1980; ISBN: 0310715849; Paperback, $3.99.
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Special Info: This book is part of the Zonderkidz I Can Read! series. It is on the My First Shared Reading level, which according to the publisher means it is “ideal for sharing with emergent new readers.” Read our reviews of other books in the I Can Read! series. Visit the author’s blog.
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