"God turned on the switch a long time ago
and created a special, spectacular show.
If you look all around on warm summer nights,
you can see Him in all of the dazzling lights."
As the story moves from an amusement park to a fireworks show and finally to home, your child sees some of the places to look for God's light: lightning bugs, sparklers, fireworks, the stars, and moon.
What I Like: The natural progression of this story makes it a great bedtime story. The LED lights made my active toddler engage in the story and book more than other books. They're used to illustrate various kinds of light on the pages, such as the sparklers and stars as mentioned above.
What I Dislike: I stumbled over some of the wording and rhymes when reading this book aloud.
Overall Rating: Very Good.
Age Appeal: 3 - 5, though my one-year-old was fascinated by the lights.
Publishing Info: Kregel Kidzone, 2006; ISBN: 0-8254-5527-8; board book $12.99
Buy it Now at Christianbook.com for $9.99
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