Each of the fruits of the spirit found in Galatians 5 are highlighted: patience, joy, love, faithfulness, gentleness, goodness, peace, self-control, kindness - all through the use of poetry. The following is a excerpt:
"LOVE! Oh, LOVE! The very word
The illustrations are bright and interesting to look at, emphasizing loving family relationships. They also include children and adults of various ethnicity. The rhymes are simple and lively.
Also included in The Fruit of the Spirit is a letter to parents encouraging them to walk in the Spirit along with their children. It is an uplifting letter charging parents to rejoice in their children, as they are gifts from the Lord.
What I Like: Jesus taught mostly in parables - simple stories that the average man could understand. This is what the author has done in The Fruit of the Spirit. The fruits are described as a seed planted within us by the Lord Jesus that the Holy Spirit causes to sprout, grow and bear more fruit through the Word, prayer and obedience to God.
What I Dislike: The book seems a little bit more flimsy than the average paperback, perhaps because it's very short. The cover and the pages themselves are sturdy, but the binding seems weak.
Overall Rating: Very Good.
Age Appeal: Children ages 5-9 are recommended by the publisher, but I believe children as young as 2 would be able to understand and enjoy this book.
Publisher Info: Concordia Publishing House; 2010; 978-0-7586-1860-3; Paperback $1.99.
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