When Rachel discovers a baby bird has fallen out of its nest, she runs and gets Mrs. Rosey Posey, an adult in the neighborhood all the children love and trust. Mrs. Rosey Posey knows just what to do. She takes the bird in her house and makes a nest for it. Rachel tells Mrs. Rosey Posey, “I’m glad I found the bird. No one else saw it.”
Mrs. Rosey Posey looks at her with a twinkle in her eyes and replies, “There is someone who saw it.”
“Was it you?” Rachel asks.
“No,” says Mrs. Rosey Posey, “It is someone who lives here. This someone cares about every living thing.”
Throughout the week, as Mrs. Rosey Posey feeds the bird and cares for it, the children try to guess who the “someone” is. But Mrs. Rosey Posey won’t tell them. She just keeps on giving hints. When the bird is finally ready to take off on its own, the children are finally able to guess who the “someone” is. Mrs. Rosey Posey tells them that God knows everything and he cares for us all, even the birds.
The Bible verse, Luke 12: 6-7, is cited as a reference for this story: "Aren’t five sparrows sold for two pennies? But God does not forget even one of them. In fact, he even counts every hair on your head! So don’t be afraid. You are worth more than many sparrows.”
The bright, colorful, kid-friendly illustrations, by Christina Schofield, enhance the text and the story.
What I Like: I like the delightful illustrations; I think children of all ages will like them, too. I also like having stories for young readers that illustrate truths of the Bible.
What I Dislike: Although the Bible lesson is a good one, children might think it’s okay to pick up and bring stray wild animals home. It requires special knowledge and skills to care for wild animals and not many people are qualified for the job.
Overall Rating: Very good.
Age Appeal: 4-8.
Publisher Info: Zonderkidz, 2008; ISBN: 031071576; Paperback, $3.99.
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Special Info: This book is part of the Zonderkidz I Can Read series of books.
According to the publisher, this is a Level 2 Reader, which are “high-interest stories for developing readers.”
Read our reviews of other books in this series. Visit the author’s website. View the illustrator’s portfolio at this website.
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