Thursday, August 6, 2009

Our New Baby

If you're looking for a book to introduce the idea of a new baby entering the family, Our New Baby by Beth Atchison may be a good choice.

In this Level 3 (independent reader) book (which works just as well as a read-to-me book), a young child who appears to be no older than kindergarten age learns he'll soon have a baby brother or sister. He has lots of questions and some concerns, but his mother says, "God is sending us this special baby. God sent you when you were a baby. You are very special too."

As his mother's tummy grows larger, the little boy learns to play quietly when she needs extra rest. His mommy tells him he'll be able to help take care of the baby, too, by singing to it, fetching the baby bottle, and maybe even helping to change diapers.

He feels a little lonely when his mother and father leave for the hospital, but grandma stays with him and together they pray for the family and the new baby. When his new baby sister comes home, he thinks she's loud and wrinkly, but he thanks God for her. And when his friends come over, sometimes he quietly peeks into her nursery to show her off.

What I Like: This is a simple introduction to common concerns a young children have about gaining a new sibling. The book has a mostly positive spin (the exception is the mention of loneliness), and offers lots of ideas about how older siblings can "serve one another in love" (Galations 5:13). The illustrations by Nancy Munger are colorful and do a great job expressing joy throughout.

What I Dislike: Nothing.

Overall Rating: Very good.

Age Appeal: According to the publisher 3 to 7, but this book may be too simplistic for 7 year olds.

Publishing Info: Standard, 2005; ISBN: 978-0784717066; paperback, $2.29.

Buy Now at for $1.69.

Or Buy at for $2.75.

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