3 in 1: A Picture of God, originally published in 1973, is currently in its 37th printing. Joanne Marxhausen wrote the book to help children understand the Trinity. She uses an apple and it's three parts (peel, flesh and core) to parallel the three Persons of God. Each part is apple; each Person is God. But they are not three apples; they are not three gods. Only one. The author elaborates on the roles of each part and Person. For example, God the Father protects, just like the peel of the apple. Through the course of explanation, the text shares the entire Gospel: our sin, Jesus' sacrifice, His forgiveness and our salvation through faith, and new believers' new lives in Christ. The author also explains the fruit of the Spirit.
The illustrations by Ben Marxhausen and Ed Koehler are extremely simplistic. They offer bold, stylized designs and solid, vivid colors. Normally, I might consider such illustrations lacking, but these complement the text perfectly.
What I Like: I have never seen so much accurate doctrine compiled into such a beautiful concise and age-appropriate package. This is the BEST Christian picture book I have ever read! I love everything about it. Many adults struggle to understand the Trinity; trying to teach it to preschoolers is a monumental task. The authors pull it off with tremendous style and clarity. I am extremely impressed! Every Christian home should have a copy of this book. I cannot recommend it highly enough.
What I Dislike: Absolutely nothing.
Overall Rating: Excellent!
Age Appeal: 4-8, but I believe this to be a fine teaching tool for all ages.
Publisher Info: Concordia Publishing House, 2004; ISBN: 075860680X; Hardback; $9.49
Buy it Now at Christianbook.com for $7.49!
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Wow! I've avoided this particular description of the Trinity because I feel it's not quite accurate, but your enthusiastic review has made me change my mind. I'm excited to read this book myself!
I remember my dad using this book when I was a kid!! Great review.
I was introduced to this book when our daughter's preschool teacher used it for a weekly unit on apples. I was AMAZED at how much my daughter learned from it! She can home spouting doctrine to her 2-year-old brother, teaching him theology while driving to the playground. She was only 3 1/2 at the time. It's an excellent book! I can't say that enough. :)
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