When Was God Born? sounds like a Christmas book, but it's actually not. Written and illustrated by Phillip W. Rodgers, this book helps children discover the origin of God.
Bailey sits in the waiting room with his Grandma eagerly anticipating the birth of a new sibling. He soon becomes impatient thinking about all the cool stuff he'll do with his baby brother. When Grandma reminds him that God is in control, Bailey's thoughts turn to a new question: When was God born? Grandma explains that God is older than everything. She tells of how He created everything in the world, from the sun, moon and stars to the mountains, fish and oceans. He even created Bailey with "a heart made to love Him and to love one another." Bailey finally gets it: "He was and He is and He always will be! From the very beginning, He thought about me when making the earth and the land and the sea!"
The book concludes with another impatient plea from Bailey for his new brother and a reminder from his grandma that this new cub might be a sister.
The full-page illustrations are cute and colorful. All the characters are quite expressive.
What I Like: It's cute, and I like that it clearly teaches truth.
What I Dislike: Only one biblical reference is provided: Ephesians 1:4. This verse describes how we were planned from the beginning, but it doesn't support God's existence. I wish more biblical supports were provided. Also, the text rhymes, but because the meter is inconsistent, this isn't immediately obvious. I had to read it a couple times before catching the right rhythm.
Overall Rating: Good.
Age Appeal: 4-8
Publisher Info: Kregel Kidzone, 2008; ISBN: 0825436087; Hardback; $12.99
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Special Info: Other books in the "Discovering God" series include How Tall is God? and When Does God Sleep?
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Have you reviewed any of Jill Roman Lord's books? If you like cute & touching Biblical truth you'll love her little board books.
Grace & Peace,
So glad I found your blog too. Now I get to have good books for my family and especially my children
Jean, I'm so glad you "clicked over!" We have actually reviewed a number of her books. Here's a link to all of those reviews: http://ccbreview.blogspot.com/search?q=roman+lord. If you're interested in finding specific reviews on this site, you can search using the blue tool bar at the top of the page.
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