Are Angels Real? by Kathleen Long Bostrom is from the author's popular Little Blessings series. In this volume, she covers a topic of interest to Christians and non-Christians alike. She begins with lots of questions a child might ask about angels, including: Are angels real? Do I have an angel looking out for me? Can I talk to angels? What do angels wear? Do angels get old and die? When I go to Heaven, can I be an angel, too?
Then Bostrum answers each question (in a pleasant rhyme). She ends by advising children to be kind and share God's love: "You just might be helping an angel out too!"
Taking up the last 13 pages of this 69 page book, the author details all the biblical references she used as reference.
What I Like: Angels have developed something of a cult following, so I like that this book closely follows what the Bible has to say about angels...yet does so in a child-friendly manner. The sweet illustrations by Elena Kucharik also add a lot of interest.
What I Dislike: The part of this book designed to be read to a child is 55 pages long; even though many pages have a small amount of text, this book might prove long for the youngest children it's targeted to.
Overall Rating: Very good.
Age Appeal: According to the publisher, 0 -5
Publishing Info: Tyndale, 2001; ISBN: 0842339590; hard back, $9.99.
Buy Now at Christianbook.com for $8.99.
Special Info: You may wish to visit Kathleen Long Bostrum's website. Also, see our reviews of other books by this author.
We have this book and I really like it! It is so well written. I agree with you about how accurate it is to scripture.
I wonder how the other books in this series are?
Thanks for all your reviews. I have been keeping a log of many of them to get for Christmas and Birthdays.
Jill, you can read our other reviews of books in this series by clicking on the very last link in this review. (Or, go to the upper left and type "Little Blessings" in the search box.)
I think this book could be excellent for when I babysit little kids. Can never have too many good books.
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