Thursday, April 12, 2007

The Crippled Lamb

Max Lucado, along with Jenna, Andrea, and Sara Lucado, create a story many children can relate to. In The Crippled Lamb, Joshua - a lamb - is different than the other sheep. He has no parents, and he is crippled. His only friend is an old cow named Abigail. She often reminds him that God has a special place for those like him. When the shepherds come gather the sheep to walk to the next valley, Joshua must stay behind. The others laugh and say mean things to him. Josh and Abigail are both in for a surprise later that night, when they are awakened by a woman and a child lying in the stables with them. Josh lies next to the baby (Jesus) to keep him warm. He soon learns that even though he may not fit in with the rest of the sheep, God did have a special place for him. Illustrated by Liz Bonham.

What I Liked: Most everything. This is a sweet book. It almost made my ten year old daughter cry. She thought it was sad how the others treated Josh. (Much like the way kids treat one another)

What I Disliked: Near the end of the story, the author implies that animals can pray to God. Again, I am there to teach my children differently. It's an easy fix when reading with your children. (It is so important that you know what your children are reading).

Overall Review: Very Good.

Age Appeal: 4-8

Publishing Info: Tommy Nelson Publishing ; ISBN 0-849910056; Hardback $15.99

But now at Amazon $10.87

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