Best-selling author Max Lucado has a virtual empire of children's books now, and
Hermie: A Common Caterpillar is just one of his many offerings for little ones. This book, based on
Just Like Jesus (written for adults), tells the story of Hermie who is "just a common caterpillar." Hermie is troubled by his commonness, and frequently prays that God will make him special. God replies: "I love you, Hermie...But I'm not finished with you yet. I'm giving you a heart like Mine." Still, when Hermie meets a strong ant, a cozy and dry snail, and a beautiful ladybug, Hermie can't help but tell God he doesn't understand why he has to be so common. Then one night Hermie falls asleep and wakes up in a cocoon. Soon, he breaks free and discovers he is a butterfly. "As Hermie flapped his new wings, he began to understand what God had been telling him. He wasn't like the ant...or the snail...or the ladybug. He was Hermie - a beautiful butterfly with a beautiful heart." Hermie then tells his best friend Wormie that God wasn't finished with him - and he's not finished with Wormie, either.
What I like: The message here is a wonderful one: We are a work in progress, and each of us has a special spot in God's design. The colorful, computer-generated illustrations by GlueWorks Animation are lifelike (in an animated movie sort of way), colorful, and fun.
What I dislike: I think this book could be more clear what it means to have a heart like the Lord's. This is mentioned, but never explained in any way.
Overall Rating: Very Good.
Age Appeal: Toddler - preschooler
Publishing Info: Tommy Nelson, 2002; there are several versions of this book. The board book (with accompanying CD) is ISBN 1400308887, $12.99. The hardback is ISBN 1400301173, $12.99.
Buy Either the Board Book or the Hardback Now at Amazon for $10.39 or 11.04.
Special Info: There is also a 40 minute DVD of this story.

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