Written in 2008, The Case for the Real Jesus: Student Edition--A Journalist Investigates Current Challenges to Christianity addresses six modern-day objections to Christianity. These include:
- Are other ancient texts, such as the gnostic gospels, as reliable as the Bible?
- Has the church tampered with the original text of the Bible over the years?
- Are there new natural or scientific explanations of Jesus' resurrection?
- Did pagan religions influence Christianity?
- Did Jesus fulfill Old Testament messianic prophecy?
- Are postmodernists right when they say "people should be free to pick and choose what to believe about Jesus.?"
Strobel records interview sessions, and includes "Bio" sidebars, letting us know the credentials of each scholar. Other sidebars delineate various belief systems or timelines. Terms, such as "syncretism" and "Bar Mitzvah" are included in grey boxes within the text. Strobel uses numbered End Notes, and provides an Appendix listing helpful websites.
What I Like: I like the way Strobel is respectful of other opinions and makes it okay to have doubts, but models using research to bolster your faith. Strobel's research is well done, thorough, and eye-opening. Each chapter ends with comforting, but logical reassurance of biblical truth.
This book would make a fabulous small group, youth group or classroom study. It would also be perfect to give to a friend, professor or colleague who had expressed doubts or confusion about Christianity.
What I Dislike: Nothing
Overall Rating: Excellent
Age Appeal: Young Adult (14 and up) There is no objectionable content, but the concepts are a bit abstract and presented in depth.
Publisher Info: Zondervan, 2008; ISBN: 978-0-310-28323-2; Paperback, 208 pages, $9.99
Buy it Now at Christianbook.com for $8.19
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Read CCBR reviews of other books by Lee Strobel here.

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