Before the story begins, however, Smith has an open letter to parents where he discusses not only the beauty of the story of Noah’s ark, but its harshness as well. He says, “It seems severe, but it also speaks of redemption.” He also argues that such a vivid portrayal of the story (his scenes show fighting and death) will potentially make it easier for children to understand complicated issues. He goes further by providing suggestions on how to address tough questions (such as “Why would God kill people?”), pointing out the significance of the rainbow, and encouraging parents to read the Bible together with their children.
The story itself is straightforward, as are the pictures. Readers see Lego people fighting, much to God’s displeasure. They witness Noah building the ark and collecting animals and food. The flood comes, and terrified Lego men drown in the waters. (Yes, there are a few floating heads detached from their little Lego bodies.) Finally, Noah is shown offering up a sacrifice and a beautiful brick rainbow is displayed in the sky.
As an added bonus at the end of the story, readers are given snapshots of certain bricks. Just like in the book Where’s Waldo, readers are encouraged to revisit the story and find the special items.
What I Like: Any young Lego lover will be drawn to the book. Smith’s scenes are very detailed. Smith is a skilled and creative artist. Also, this hardcover book is selling on Amazon at a remarkably low price right now...$2.87 (originally $12.95) plus they offer a kindle version for $2.73. The low price alone makes the book worth a second look.
What I Dislike (and also appreciate): I know it happened, but I felt uncomfortable seeing the drowning Lego people (especially the floating heads!) and a knife-wielding Noah ready to sacrifice the goat. When I first read the book, I had not read the author’s note to the parents and was rather disturbed by the images. However, after going back and reading the author’s thoughts, which preceded the story, I better understood and appreciated his approach. He made a valid point AND offered suggestions to the more squeamish people (like me) on how to address the harsher aspects of the story in a healthy manner.
Special Note: Smith used a Lego character to represent God in the pictures. The scowling divine being looks like an angry (or very grumpy) Gandalf from The Lord of the Rings.
Overall Rating: From my perspective, I'd rank it as Good. However, in all fairness, Lego lovers will no doubt disagree with me and give it a Very Good rating, while Lego lovers with no objection to the issues I raised above would likely rate it Excellent. So keep that in mind. :)
Age Appeal: None is given, but I suggest toddler through Kindergarten, possibly first grade.
Publisher Info: Sky Pony Press, 2012; ISBN:978-1616087371; Hardcover, 32 pgs., $12.95
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Buy it at for $2.87.
OR Buy the kindle version for $2.73
Special Info: You can visit the author's website or check out other brick books at Amazon:The Brick Bible: A New Spin on the Old Testament, The Brick Bible: The New Testament: A New Spin on the Story of Jesus, The Brick Testament: The Ten Commandments, and The Christmas Story: The Brick Bible for Kids.

I've looked through his stories online and they're very creative. Not always kid appropriate :)
Very nicely put! I agree.
Thought it might be worth passing on that according to a wikipedia article the author is an atheist. I've not seen this book, but in his "Brick New Testament" he takes opportunities to make fun of orthodox Christian belief (For more see
Just a note--my son loves the Old Testament book, but it does show pretty graphic scenes of circumcision and beheadings. Erin
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