Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Walking with Jesus

Walking With Jesus is a sweet book that includes twenty true stories about people who have had evil done to them, but return it with good. Written by Mary Clemens Meyer and illustrated by Harriet Miller, this book stresses the importance of being a peacemaker.

The storylines covered in these short stories include the ideas of: refusing to fight with others when antagonized, being kind to strangers, forgiveness, courage and trust in God, honesty and self-control, selfless love, prejudice, generosity, bravery, faith, kindness, and patience.

What I Like: These stories are pointed, but simple. The message of the stories stand out because of their brevity. Reading this book will definitely teach children important character qualities.

What I Dislike: I don't dislike anything about this book. I would love to see more colorful illustrations, but my three and a half year old daughter didn't seem to mind!

Overall Rating: Very Good

Age Appeal: 4-10

Publisher Info: Herald Press, 1992; ISBN:0836135741 ; Paperback $11.99

Buy it Now at for $9.99!

Or buy it at for $10.19.

Special Info: Some of the characters in this book are Amish and Mennonite.

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