Greg Stier is a humble author, who speaks directly to teens about the spirit world, but always urges them to rely on Scripture for the final word on the topic. His purpose for writing the book is to give teens "just enough information to help you in your fight against [demons] but not enough to make you want to become obsessed with their dark power." Stier begins the book by establishing the trustworthiness of the Bible, and making sure teens understand what it means to be a Christian. He then explains who Satan is and why he hates us. The next chapter explains how to use the armor of God (Eph. 6:13-17), followed by a chapter showing us how Jesus has defeated Satan three times in the past and will defeat him once more at the end of time.
Chapter 4 uses the book of Job as an example for how Satan attacks believers and what our response should be. The next two chapters set up the biblical basis for demons and angels, respectively. Chapter 7 debunks ten myths about Satan and spiritual warfare, and the last chapter gives teens practical methods for "How to win the war for the souls of their friends."
Each chapter ends with a "Platoon Challenge" activity designed for youth groups or Bible studies to do together, and "An Army of One" activity meant to encourage personal spiritual growth.
What I Like: This is an excellent book all around. Stier does a fantastic job using Scripture, research (with end notes), and personal experience to explain spiritual warfare and the nature of angels and demons. At the same time, he always presents Jesus as the ultimate power and is careful not to sensationalize demonic activity.
I also like Stier's frank words to teens about temptation and trials they face at school and in society. Stier tells us Satan's goal is to "sidetrack with sin, discourage with trials, deceive with lies and distract with toys." However, he doesn't leave us hopeless, but continually reminds us the closer we are to the Shepherd (Jesus) the more victorious we will be. He also sets up an action plan for teens and youth groups based first on prayer and Scripture memory, as well as challenges to share the Gospel.
What I Dislike: Nothing
Overall Rating: Excellent
Age Appeal: 12-18 (even adults will find it helpful).
Publisher Info: Moody Publishers, 2003; ISBN: 978-0802-417-930; Paperback, $6.99
Buy it at Amazon.com for $6.99.

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