Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Virtuous Woman

The Virtuous Woman: A Short Study on Proverbs 31 for Mothers and Daughters, written and illustrated by Pam Foster, is as the name implies, a short study-guide about what it means to be a “virtuous woman.” The author uses Proverbs 31 as her main focal point, but brings in verses from other chapters of Proverbs, as well as from other books of the Bible, to illustrate her points.
The book consists of 4 sections, each called a “study,” as in Study no. 1, Study no. 2, etc. With the exception of Study no. 1, each has several parts. And, each section is filled with activities, such as copying appropriate Bible verses, making charts to visualize concepts, and answering short essay-type questions. Space is provided in the book for each activity. There are “Notes” at the ends of some of the sections giving extra insight into the concepts explored in those sections.

What I Like: This is a good, easy-to-follow guidebook studying Proverbs 31. And, there is good reason to do so. As the author says: “You can become a virtuous young lady! Your life can be a picture to others of God’s righteousness. What is the godly woman like? What does she do? How does she think? Let’s find out!”

What I Dislike: I really like the whole book except for the fact that there is no end material in the book. There is nothing else after Study no. 4, Part C. I was expecting some type of summary or an index or an appendix of some kind.

Overall Rating: Good.

Age Appeal: No suggested age group is given, but I would say this book is appropriate for ages young adult and up.

Publisher Info: Doorposts, 1995; ISBN: 1891206125; Spiral Bound, $6.00.

Buy now at $6.00.

Special Info: This book is primarily for girls, but as the author says in the intro, “The Bible paints a very colorful and detailed picture of a virtuous woman. Young men can study this picture as the description of the woman they seek to marry.”

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Shirley Ann said...

Thats a very good point about why young men could learn something from this too. This sounds like a great resource for mothers and daughters. Too often in Christian homes parents forget to spend time studying scripture with their children. Kudos to the author for giving another wonderful resource to all the parents out there. Thanks for posting this, I wasn't aware of it before and it sounds like a resource I'll want to keep in mind.

Christine M. Irvin said...

Thanks for visiting our website and thanks for your comments. I hope you enjoy this study guide about the virtous woman. Christine