Monday, February 15, 2010

The Story of Ruth

The Story of Ruth, retold by Maxine Rose Schur, details the story of Ruth from the Biblical book of that name. The story is true to the scripture, starting with the famine that struck Judah, forcing Naomi and her family, including her daughter-in-law Ruth, to leave their homeland, and ending with Naomi and Ruth back in Judah where Ruth marries Boaz.

At the end of the book is an explanation about why the Jewish people read the story of Ruth during their celebration of Shavuot.

The watercolor illustrations, by Gwen Connelly, are very detailed and expressive.

What I Like: The illustrations are my favorite part. Their detail and vibrant color enhance the text.

What I Dislike: Nothing.

Overall Rating: Excellent.

Age Appeal: 4-8

Publisher Info: Kar-ben Publishing; ISBN: 1580131301; Paperback, $6.95.

Buy now at $6.95.

Special Info: This book was published by Kar-ben Publishing, a publisher that specializes in books for Jewish children, which is why there is an explanation about Shavuot at the end of the book. The only other thing that makes this stand out as a Jewish version of the story is the word “Bethlehem” is written as two words in the text, “Bet Lehem.”

Visit the author’s website.

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1 comment:

Dawn said...

We love this book! When read dramatically, the prose can entrance even my two year old.

The only thing I didn't like is the emphasis on the strength of the women instead of on the graciousness of God. (I rewrite the ending for my little ones! :)