After the shepherds witness the star moving across the sky, the author tells us about the stable and that there was a mother, a father, and a baby. No specific names are used, and we are not told that the baby is the Son of God. The baby feels the air, his blanket, and his mother's arms. We're told His life began in the stable, and then the story ends.
What I Dislike: This book doesn't really tell the Christmas story. It begins with the shepherds in a field, the star, and the stable, but then changes to the viewpoint of Baby Jesus when it says, "He saw the swaying lantern, the donkey, and the woolly lamb." Although the Bible verse John 1:14 is stated after the title page, we're never told the purpose of His life or that He is the son of God.
Overall Rating: Good.
Age Appeal: Ages 3 to 8.
Publisher Info: Viking Juvenile, 2008; ISBN: 0670011363; Hardback $16.99.
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