Friday, November 20, 2009

Adopted and Loved Forever

Adopted and Loved Forever by Annetta E. Dellinger was originally published in 1987. This year the publisher released a 2nd Edition, an updated version that offer new illustrations and more contemporary wording and explanations.

The text provides a first person narrative of adoption from the perspective of a young girl. She tells readers that her parents are very special and she loves them very much. Long ago they were lonely because they had no children, but after talking with someone at the adoption agency, they chose her to be their child. The text explains that an adoption agency “knows where there are children who need families.” The book goes on to answer several questions.
  • Adopted children don’t always look like their adoptive parents, but that’s okay.
  • Even adopted kids have to obey their parents. Just like other kids, they are corrected when they misbehave.
  • Children can be adopted at different ages, some as babies and others as older kids.
  • Children can be adopted for different reasons, some because their parents died; others because their parents couldn’t care for them properly.
  • The Bible talks about adoption, too! Esther and Moses were adopted, and God adopts all believers into His family.
  • Adoption is permanent. Adoptive parents won’t change their minds when their child gets older. Rather, the child is adopted and loved forever.

The illustrations by Janet McDonnell add much to the story. They feature a loving family – Caucasian parents and an Asian daughter – in strong watercolor.

What I Like: This book answers so many questions! It tackles inquiries held by kids who have been adopted or who know others who have been adopted. It’s fantastic. I like that it provides Bible references where relevant (Esther 2, John 15:16, Ephesians 1:4-5 and Galations 4:5). I like that it clearly makes the parallel between earthly adoption and spiritual adoption.

What I Dislike: I would have liked stronger illustrations. These are nice, but there is nothing dynamic or exciting about them.

Overall Rating: Excellent.

Age Appeal: 4-8

Publisher Info: Concordia Publishing, 2nd Ed. 2009; ISBN: 0758615914; Hardback; $12.99

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