Monday, December 15, 2008

Follow us!

We have something new in our sidebar! Just below our awards you'll see a "follow" widget. Use it to show us your support! It's kind of like subscribing but a lot easier. When you sign up as a follower three things happen:

  1. You never miss a post.
  2. The updates, which show snippets of our posts, links to the site and the specific reviews, and pictures of the books, are placed on your blogger dashboard (instead of going to your email, like other subscriber services).
  3. You can follow all your blogs this way, rather than having several subscriber emails or notices.
  4. You let everyone know you're a fan! This draws more readers to our site (which enables us to keep the site going) and it links readers from our site to your profile (which allows them to visit your blogs as well).

All that for the simple click of a mouse. You do have the option of following privately, if you prefer, but if you follow publicly, we all benefit by sharing the reader love. Your readers can see what sites you enjoy - like us! - and our readers can see who follows us - like you!

So, take three seconds to sign up. You'll never miss a post again.


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