Friday, February 26, 2016

God's Special Forces: A Manual for Becoming a Young Woman of Quality

Gods Special Forces: A Manual for Becoming a Young Woman of Quality by Darlene Laney is a workbook for teaching preteens the basics of hygiene, self care, and etiquette is a way that reminds them they have been created by God for a purpose.

Each chapter gives a brief Bible stud/ devotion and then dives into the specifics of practical advice. The chapters are titled:

  • A New Look
  • The Beginning
  • Face Facts
  • Value of a Woman
  • Standing, Sitting & Walking
  • Care of Self
  • Skin Care
  • Body Care
  • Etiquette 101
  • Accentuate the Positive
  • Putting It All Together
  • Last Word
  • I'm Committed
At the end of the workbook, girls are encouraged to sign a commitment that they are going to apply the lessons and principles they have learned in this book.

What I Like: Growing up, I had a little book that I read and reread about character and beauty. This book has the possibility of being that for my daughter. It teaches girls how to beautiful from the inside out. After teaching girls that God has created them for a special purpose, it shows them what hairstyle suits their facial structure best, how to eat specific foods when in a group setting, and how to greet people they are meeting for the first time.

What I Dislike: I loved everything about this book.

Overall Rating: Excellent

Age Appeal: 8-14-year-olds

Publisher Info: Halo Publishing International, 2013; ISBN: 978-1-61244-126-9 ; paperback, 120 pgs., $16.95

Buy it at for $16.95!

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