Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Kondi's Quest

Kondi’s Quest, written by Sylvia Stewart, is the story of a 12-year-old girl who lives in Malawi. She lives in a country where poverty and superstition are the norm and witch doctors are prevalent. Even though she has given her heart to Jesus, but she is still afraid of many things and she doesn’t understand why God allows bad things to happen to her.

Kondi’s mother is a Christian, but her father is not. Kondi doesn’t understand how her father could love her if he hits her and her mother when he comes home drunk. Kondi tries very hard to remember that God loves her even when it seems like her own father doesn’t.

Kondi is on a mission: She wants her father to become a Christian and she wants to find a way to make money so her family won’t be so poor. Neither one is a simple task, but Kondi is determined to make things better for her family. When the opportunity presents itself, though, will she succumb to the temptation to use witchcraft to help her achieve her goals?

The author includes a glossary at the end of the book that defines the foreign words that are used throughout the text.

What I Like: The story takes place in Malawi, a country where superstition is prevalent and witchcraft is practiced. It would be difficult for a Christian, especially for one as young as Kondi, to live in such an environment. The author does a good job of making the reader feel some of the fear and uncertainty Kondi experiences in her everyday life.

What I Dislike: Even though the author included a glossary of terms, I didn’t know it was there until I got to the end of the book. Sometimes it was difficult to figure out what a word meant in the story because they way it was used in context didn’t always give a clear indication of what the word meant.

Overall Rating: Very good.

Age Appeal: 8-12.

Publisher Info: OakTara Publishers, 2011; ISBN: 9781602902886; 152 pages, Paperback, $15.95.

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Special Info: Visit the author’s website.

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