Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Christine Gives Thanks for 66 Books One Story: A Guide to Every Book of the Bible in 2015

As always, I am thankful for another year, another month, another week, another day, another hour, and even just another minute of being alive. We have lost so many family members and friends in the past few years, it’s just wonderful being able to say we’re still doing okay. God is good.

There are so many books to be thankful for, that is was simply hard to choose one for this review. However, I chose 66 Books One Story: A Guide to Every Book of the Bible for two reasons: First, because it deals with the Bible, God’s book of life’s instructions. The second reason is because the Bible has 66 books, sometimes it’s hard to keep track of all of them. Despite the few things I point out I don't like about the book, it is still a handy reference guide to have beside you if you have a question about a particular book of the Bible.

66 Books, One Story: A Guide to Every Book of the Bible, written by Paul Reynolds, is a study-guide for the Bible. The title refers to the idea that although there are a total of 66 books in the Bible, they all tell “one story”, that of God’s love and power. Also, the author shows many examples of the cohesion of the books where the Old Testament prophets predict events that happen in the New Testament.

There are 67 chapters in this book. Genesis and Psalms are each discussed in two consecutive chapters, and John II & III are combined into one. Each chapter consists of a title, a short subtitle that relates to the content of Biblical book; an Introduction that gives a brief synopsis of the book; an Overview that lists anywhere from four to 17 points of interest in that book; a section called “Learning from ________ [the blank is filled in with the book’s title] with three ideas from the book; a section called “Salvation Thread” telling why the book is important; and ends with a Key Verse.

What I Like: I like the way the author has summed up each chapter. You can easily find a quick review of any of the books of the Bible.

What I Dislike: The author makes liberal improper use of commas, periods and apostrophes throughout the text. Also, the writing itself could use a bit of editing. The book called the Song of Solomon is referred to as the Song of Songs. And, rather than discuss the book of Psalms as a whole, the author cites only two individual Psalms from that book, that of Psalms 69 and 103, each requiring its own chapter.

Overall Rating: Good.

Age Appeal: Tweens and teens.

Publisher Info: Christian Focus Publications, 2013; ISBN: 9781845508197; Paperback, 235 Pages, $18.99.


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