Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The Fight for Kidsboro (Adventures in Odyssey)

If your family loves Adventures in Odyssey's radio dramas, your kids are sure to find The Fight for Kidsboro exciting. Because if there's anything better than an Adventures in Odyssey show, it's an Adventures in Odyssey book!

Based on the radio drama of the same name, Kidsboro is written by Marshal Younger and follows the original script closely, though it's not exactly the same: In the woods behind Whit's End, there's a whole little town where no one over 14 years old is allowed. But this means the kids have a lot of struggles to experience: Who's in charge? What to do about the lawsuit against them? And what about the alternate town some other kids created? There's a huge learning curve for the kids - and a way to make Kidsboro a ghost town - or a united kids' town.

What I Like: My children love the audio drama version of Kidsboro and were thrilled when they learned there was a book version they could read. I love the story - because I think it has so much to teach about real life situations, especially conflict and relying upon God. It's also got plenty of action to satisfy young readers.

What I Dislike: Nothing.

Overall Rating: Excellent.

Age Appeal: The publisher says 8 - 12, but I think kids as young as 6 will enjoy this book as a read aloud.

Publishing Info: Focus on the Family, 2012; ISBN 978-1-58997-675-7 paperback, 321 pgs., $14.99

Buy at Amazon for $13.43; or buy the Kindle version for $10.49.

Or buy it from ChristianBook.com for  $11.99

1 comment:

  1. My kids have recently come to love the Adventures in Odyssey radio series. I have discovered that listening to the CDs make a great "naptime" option for kids who are getting too old for naptime (and for momma who still needs them to take one!)

    Thanks for sharing this book. I'll have to check it out too.
