Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Project Inspired: Review and Interview

Nicole Weider is on a mission: to help young girls avoid the traps that culture sets. The trap that baits you into thinking you must sacrifice your self-worth in order to be beautiful and popular. Nicole launched Project Inspired in 2010 (, a website for teen girls that analyzes pop culture and explores ways girls can live in their authentic beauty.

In Project Inspired, Nicole shares tips for you to stay true to yourself—to how you were created to be—as well as how to dress modestly yet fashionably, how to make a positive difference in the world, and how to enjoy your teen years while standing firm in your faith. With photographs, real behind-the-scenes stories from inside the fashion world, and an honest look at living a life that looks great on the outside and feels great on the inside, Project Inspired is a book you’ll turn to time and time again.

What I Like: From the very beginning of the book Nicole Weider, tells her testimony of being a young model in Hollywood and the pitfalls she faced in the "glamour" of being famous. So from the start she lets us know that she can actually relate to young girls trying to fit a mold, be liked by her peers and the desire to pursue a life she wanted.

I was a little weary about a book that focused on appearance but the book delves into feeling good about yourself within in a simple and easy for girls to understand. Nicole offers scripture, fashion tips, and everything a teen girl talks about with her friends and thinks about when she is alone, but with a faith filled heart. It reminds me of a teen magazine with depth and scripture.

I teach high school bible studies and a recent lesson was all about personal appearance, so I took Nicole's book into class. The girls went wild for the book and I was pleasantly surprised.

I had the pleasure of conductin an interview with author Nicole Weider and you can read it below!

What I Dislike: Nothing

Overall Rating: Very Good

Age Appeal: 12-18

Publisher Info: Zondervan; 2015; ISBN:978-0310749394; Paperback, 168 pgs., $17.99

Buy it Now at for $11.49

OR Buy it at for $11.99.

Nicole Weider Interview 

CCBR: Hi Nicole! Congratulations on your new book, Project Inspired! I had the pleasure of reading it and was pleasantly surprised. In the beginning of the book you give us your testimony. Could you tell the moms out there a very condensed version of who you are?

Nicole: My testimony is pretty crazy to say the least! I wasn't raised in a Christian home, and I didn't have faith in my life. My family and I lived in Salem, Oregon but I always wanted to move down to LA to pursue modeling more full time. I moved when I was 16, and my agency bluntly told me no matter how thin I got, my body type wasn't made for high fashion- but it was great for lingerie and swimsuit work. I was a lingerie model for several years, and I thought it would be a glamorous experience, however it was the opposite- it was destroying my self esteem and my self worth. After a series of coincidences and bad circumstances, I fell into depression and wanted to get out of the modeling industry. Thankfully, my best friend Christina is an on-fire Christian and she was the one who encouraged me to go to church with her. She prayed for me continually, and told me how God could use my experiences for His glory. I gave my life to Jesus when I was 23, and it was the best decision I've ever made. After I became a Christian, I knew I wanted to share my testimony with people to warn them about the dangers of Hollywood and the destruction it can be, along with the hope of Jesus Christ and how He saved my life.

CCBR: I also had the opportunity to visit your website ( and really liked it. Could you tell us a little about the site and how the book and site differ?

My book is different from the site because I share my best fashion secrets and skin care advice, how I knew my husband was the one, and so much more. I also answered the top questions I get from girls on everything from depression, to bullying.

CCBR: Here at CCBR we love books that are not just "clean" books but also spiritually filled. While reading Project Inspired, you talk about turning to self help books when you were in need of comfort but never really find it that way. How important was it that you include scripture and biblical principles in your book? 

Before I became a Christian, I didn't know where to turn to find hope and inspiration. I thought turning to self help books would be what I needed, when in reality nothing I could read would satisfy my soul unless I turned to God. After I made the commitment to Jesus and I saw firsthand how he transformed my life, I knew only God could save people from their doubts of self-worth. It was incredibly important to me that the book was based on Biblical principles and scriptures, along with covering all of the issues that teen girls want to know about.

CCBR: You are also a contributor for the NIV Bible For Teen Girls (Read our review HERE). Tell us how that came about.

Nicole: It was an incredible honor and privilege that Zondervan wanted to use excerpts from my new book in the teen Bible. It was completely unexpected, and it is such a blessing! I also consider it a God-incidence (what I like to call a coincidence, but not really because God orchestrates everything) that a page from my book is across from my favorite scripture which is Matthew 7:7 "ask, seek, knock." God is so loving, and He amazes me every day.

CCBR: So I know you are busy and I am sure somewhere one of our reader's kid is yelling for Mom, so I have just one more question. Why is Project Inspired good for our teen girls?

Nicole: My book is a great resource for teen girls, because I feature almost every topic that the girls ask me. My book is unique, because it's a Christian book while still encompassing things not usually talked about in the Christian genre such as what everyday wardrobe basics, how to combat acne, finding the perfect jeans, and so much more. I also weave in my personal story, along with sharing the Biblical stories and how they relate to our modern day world.

CCBR: Thank you so much for spending some time with CCBR. 

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