Thursday, October 9, 2014

Counting Praises

Counting Praises by Grady O. Williams III (who also illustrated the book) is a simple rhyming poem that teaches counting through repetition.

The best way for me to describe this book is to ask you to think about the children's nursery rhyme "5 Little Monkeys." The entire rhyme is repeated a series of times with the number at the beginning of each stanza changing each time the rhyme is repeated.

What I Like: I like that this is a great way for me to teach my 3 year old numbers and their sequencing through a book that reinforces the desire we should have to praise the Lord.

I think the illustrations for this book are perfect! They are simple just like the rhyme, and there is no visual clutter. As each page is turned, one more child is added to the illustration to match the number mentioned on the page.
What I Dislike: I personally am not sure that I would pay $9.50 for this book. Although the idea behind is great, and I know this will be added to our rotation of stories for the 3 year old, $9.50 seems a bit pricey for such a simple book.

Overall Rating: Recommended

Age Appeal: Preschool

Publisher Info: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2013; ISBN: 978-1494792763; paperback, 28 pgs., $10.00

Buy it at for $9.50

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for all the informative reviews. I would like to make an observation about a consistent recurring theme in the reviews on this website. I have read numerous times that $10 (or similar price) for a small paperback book seems like a lot of money. I find that odd. It's 2014 and inflation has taken it's toll on paper, publishing, and retail in general. You can't go to a movie in California for less than $10 and a movie is a one time deal whereas a book in my child's library can last forever. Also, I'm not sure about this, but I would think a book with pictures and illustrations costs a lot more to publish and produce than a simple small paperback with no pictures. I really do appreciate your reviews on this site, just wanted to throw in my two cents (or $10) worth. :0)
