Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Giraffes on a Cruise

Giraffes on a Cruise by Marilyn Schuler is one of four books in the Animals of the Bible series. This series looks at Bible accounts from the perspective of the animal that may have been a part of the event.  What a great concept!

Giraffes on a Cruise looks at the account of Noah's Ark from the perspective of the two giraffes, Jared and Pace, who "were on the ark." We are able to watch their story from the moment these two giraffes see the Ark until they come off the Ark.

I found it to be an entertaining way to approach Noah's Ark with my children. They have both heard the account of the Ark, so this was a fun way to look at the account again. My son loved the pictures, especially since giraffe was one of the first animal names for him to say. My daughter, an animal lover, was captivated because she wanted to know what the trip on the Ark was like for the animals.

The illustrations are beautifully done. On each two page layout, one page has a full page illustration, while the other page has a matching background color with minimal complimentary illustrations to keep the words as the focus.

One bonus of this book is the free audio download that it includes. By following the simple directions on the back of the page, you can download the audio file to your computer and then transfer it to the device of your choice. Perfect when you are on the go!

What I Like: As a mom, my favorite aspect of this book was the underlying lesson the author was conveying throughout the story- we need to listen to God. This is a lesson that as parents we are trying to teach our children daily, and this book is a great little supplement to those lessons.

The author signed the copy we were given and added Proverbs 1:33 to her message. "Whoever listens to God will live in safety." It is a perfect verse to share with children during the reading of this book.

What I Dislike: This is not something that I dislike, per say, but I thought you should be aware of. The book is rather small. However, the price also includes the audio download, so if you think about it, you are getting 2 books for the price of one.

Overall Rating: Excellent

Age Appeal: 3-8 years old

Publisher Info: Tate Publishing, 2014; ISBN: 978-1-62902-885-9 ; paperback, 24 pgs., $8.99

Buy it at Amazon.com for $6.39

1 comment:

  1. What stunning illustrations! Looks like a winner. Thank you for sharing!
