Monday, March 3, 2014

Mad Maddie Maxwell

In Mad Maddie Maxwell, a Level 1 "I Can Read" book by Stacie K. B. Maslyn, a young girl named Maddie is having a really grumpy day. She wants her jump rope, but can't find it. So she lashes out, accusing others of taking it. She yells at her younger sister, accusing her of taking the jump rope. Her younger sister insists she didn't, so Maddie stomps off to accuse her brother. He says he didn't take it, so Maddie stomps off to accuse her older sister, Missy. Missy smiles and suggests Maddie take a closer look around her room. Maddie just gets grumpier and grumpier, insisting someone took her jump rope - until Missy pulls the jump rope out from under Maddie's bed.

Now Maddie feels terrible. She's been really mean to her siblings. "No one will forgive me," she tells Missy. "I will forgive you," says Missy. "And God will too. Pray to him first and then talk to the others." Maddie listens to her big sister's advice, prays, and asks forgiveness. Everyone forgives her and they play jump rope together.

What I Like: Here is a simple story about forgiveness that every child can relate to. Maddie is just like a lot of kids - she has her grumpy days. But she knows that even when she fails, God will forgive her - and so will everyone else who loves her.

What I Dislike: Nothing.

Overall Rating: Excellent.

Age Appeal: Kindergarten - 2nd grade

Publishing Info: Zondervan, 2010; ISBN:  9780310714675; paperback, 32 pgs., $3.99

Buy Now at Amazon for $3.59 - or buy the Kindle version for $1.99
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