Friday, December 20, 2013

13 Very Cool Stories and Why Jesus Told Them

13 Very Cool Stories and Why Jesus Told Them provides an outstanding resource for small groups of children. Part of Standard Publishing's "Small Group Solutions for Kids" series, 13 Very Cool Stories and Why Jesus Told Them are ideal for children's ministry and private teaching of the parables at home. 

What I Like: This book is a useful tool for parents and teachers in that it helps them present the parables of Jesus in an easy, understandable way. For teachers, preparation is easy, and the lessons offer flexibility in teaching methods. Not only will children have fun learning about the parables of Christ, but they will also retain what they learn through a variety of accompanying fun activities.  No teacher training is required to use this book. The book can be used in a Sunday school class, in a special service for children, or as a one-on-one devotional.

What I Dislike:  While I have not personally used this book in children's ministry, I would say that one of its drawbacks is the fact that the teacher or parent will have to provide the supplies to demonstrate each lesson.  While this is not necessarily a problem, the teacher will need to gather the supplies ahead of time and make sure he or she has extras on hand for those children who show up unexpectedly.
Overall Rating: Very good

Age Appeal: 7-12

Publisher Info: Standard Publishing, 2009; ISBN: 978-0784721230; Paperback, 112 pgs., $9.99.

Buy it at Amazon for $8.99.

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