Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Miracles of Jesus

Miracles of Jesus as retold by Carolyn Larsen is a delightful recounting of our Lord's best known miracles, including the healing of a blind man, the healing of the ten lepers, and the healing of Jairus' daughter.  The book also includes the miracle of the feeding of the five thousand, the calming of the storm, the raising from the dead of Lazarus, and the Transfiguration.
All in all, Larsen includes eleven Bible stories to capture the minds and hearts of young readers with the truth of God's Word.

What I Like: I like the simple way in which the author retells the Biblical accounts of Christ's miracles.  She has the ability to break down the elements of each miracle into bite-sized pieces that are easily digestible by children even as young as three years of age. At the same time, she does not "dumb down" the vocabulary of the book but stretches the young reader not only spiritually but also intellectually.

Each story is preceded by a reference to the passage in which the miracle is found in the Bible.  Parents are thereby encouraged to read the account directly from the Word of God before reading the retelling of the Bible story. The book is very well-suited to bedtime reading or family devotions. It also works well as a read-alone book by older children.

The beautiful illustrations are reproduced from Standard Publishing's Classic Bible Art Collection.

What I Dislike: Since I am a stickler for Biblical accuracy, I read this book with a fine-tooth comb, looking for any discrepancies from the original Bible story. While Larsen remains true to the Biblical story, she does paraphrase some of the words of Jesus as recorded in the Bible. While her intent is to simplify for the young reader, I believe that, when it comes to the direct words of Christ, they should not be altered or paraphrased.
Overall Rating: Very good

Age Appeal:  3 years and up

Publisher Info: Standard Publishing, 2012; ISBN: 978-0-7847-3526-8; Hardcover, 32 pgs., $7.99.

Buy it Now at for $6.29.
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